Monday, August 20, 2012


Ryan Polukord is an independent filmmaker in the New York/New Jersey area. His films have been shown at known film festivals and will continue to screen at festivals world wide in the near future. In May 2012, Ryan completed his science fiction horror film DANGER ZONE, which was premiered at the Calcia Auditorium at Montclair State University (where Ryan earned his B.F.A in Filmmaking). After much success with Danger Zone, Ryan decided to push his own production company into gear.

BLANK PRODUCTIONS was created to promote Ryan's original films and to seek out a wider audience. Blank Productions will produce original work, screen them at festivals, and distribute them world wide. In the process of creating new films of all genres, Blank Productions will create partnerships with similar institutions and promote local talent in the New York/New Jersey area.

Ryan is the creator of Blank Productions and runs the company on his own for now. Other than taking on the roles of Producer, Director, Writer, and Editor on the creative end, Ryan dedicates his time to marketing his films, producing promotional content, and handling the distribution process. Ryan is completely dedicated to this company and strives for nothing more than growth and success.

To follow Blank Productions and Ryan's films, check us out on facebook and like our page: RYAN POLUKORD'S BLANK PRODUCTIONS. This way you'll always be kept up-to-date in your news feed. Make sure to like our photos & videos on facebook and youtube as well. And of course, keep your eyes open for new blogs!

Our website is on its way!

Read about Ryan Polukord & Blank Productions in the Press:

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