Tuesday, August 21, 2012

CAMP 139 Update

(Catherine O. Garcia as Stephanie in CAMP 139)

In the Summer of 2009, Ryan Polukord began production on a low budget horror film called CAMP 139. The film features three young girls who spend the night at an old campground in north New Jersey. After setting up camp, they stumble upon a dead body a few miles away from the camp site. While waiting for the police to arrive, night falls, and they are haunted by the vengeful spirit of the dead man who won't let them escape Camp 139. The film stars Amanda Goscinski, Lia Sprechini, Catherine O. Garcia, and Justin McCarthy (with music by Gonzalo Valencia). 

CAMP 139 was screened at many film festivals in the New Jersey area. The film was an official selection at the GARDEN STATE FILM FESTIVAL (2010) and landed two nominations at the DOWN BEACH FILM FESTIVAL in Atlantic City (2011). Lia Sprechini was nominated Best Actress and the film won Best New Jersey Based Short. After the award, CAMP 139 received some recognition in the press. 

It has been almost 2 years since CAMP 139 was produced. Ryan has kept the film in the vault. Only the 2009 trailer can be found on youtube (click the photo below to watch the trailer). One of the most frequently asked questions Ryan receives about CAMP 139 is, "Where can I watch it?" The reason Ryan has kept CAMP 139 hidden away is because he has other plans for it.

(Click here to watch the CAMP 139 TRAILER)
Around the time Ryan received the idea for DANGER ZONE, he had been revising the CAMP 139 script. Ryan has intentions on remaking the film in the future. The remake of CAMP 139 has joined the list of future projects for BLANK PRODUCTIONS but will not start any time soon. With BLACKOUT and DEATH MAN on their way, CAMP 139 will have to wait. However, Ryan is considering marketing the original CAMP 139 film on IndieFlix in the months to come. 

Stay up-to-date with CAMP 139 and other films created by Ryan Polukord. Check us out on facebook and "like" our page: RYAN POLUKORD'S BLANK PRODUCTIONS

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